Last Updated: 5th October, 2023

1. Introduction

Thank you for choosing LBW Live Scores. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information that are collected and recorded by the LBW Live Scores iOS App and how we use it.

2. Information We Collect

3. How We Use Your Information

Given that we do not collect any personal data, there is no information to use, share, or store beyond your device. User preferences are solely to enhance your in-app experience and are not used for any other purposes.

4. Third-Party Access

We do not share or allow access to any information with third parties since no personal data is collected.

5. Security

The security of your information is important to us. While we do not collect or store personal data, we still prioritize ensuring that the app is secure against potential vulnerabilities.

6. Children's Privacy

Our app does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our app, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately, and we will take necessary steps to remove such information from our records.

7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].